Anna Hurban Chicago District hosts Senior Branches Christmas Party

On December 2nd 2023, members of the Chicago District Senior Branches and their guests celebrated the annual Senior Branches Christmas Luncheon. Members and guests met at Camelot Banquets in Hickory Hills for a festive afternoon filled with great food, fellowship and fun. Over 260 members and guests attended this event including very special guests National FCSLA Life President/CEO Cynthia Maleski and the Honorable Rosemary Macko WIsnowsky, Honorary Consul of Slovakia.

The proceedings opened with greetings from Chicago District President Lorraine Gibas, followed by remarks from The Honorary Consul, and FCSLA President/CEO  Maleski. Following Cynthia’s remarks, recipients of  National Quadrennial donations were acknowledged. Donation checks were presented to guests  by the National President. Recipients included, the Missionary Sisters of St. Benedict represented by Sister Bernarda and Sister Stanislova, the Benedictine Sisters of the Sacred Heart represented by Sister Mary Bratrsovsky and Sister Christine Kouba, and Father Stanislaw Bindas representing the newly opened Slovak Mission in Palos Hills. Each recipient thanked FCSLA for their generous donation and spoke about their work and ministry.

Following the presentation of convention donations, Fr. Bindas led the group in grace before our meal. A delicious Slavic style lunch was enjoyed. Oplatky was provided on the table for each guest coordinated by Janice and Kal Mager of Branch S225. Following lunch, other special guests were introduced including National Board members, Joanne Skvarek Banvich and Jeanette Palanca, and Indiana District President, Lillian Zaborskie and Officers from the Indiana District. The Chicago District Board and Chicago District Branch Officers were thanked for helping to plan and coordinate this wonderful afternoon and for all their work during the year to support the organization.

Following lunch,  Kal Mager, S225 introduced the President of Elim Christian Services. Branch S225 coordinated a matching funds event at the luncheon to benefit Elim. Guests were encouraged to make donations, and participate in a cash split the pot raffle in order to benefit Elim. Many thanks to the Home Office Matching Funds program for their generosity in approving this event as matching funds.

The afternoon concluded with the traditional raffle of over 100 beautifully wrapped prizes. All who attended enjoyed an afternoon of good food and fellowship with new and old friends gathering for this annual event. Many thanks to all who worked to make this afternoon so special and to all who attended this wonderful annual event.