The Anna Hurban District of Chicago hosted the St. Anne’s Day Celebration on July 26, 2012 at St. Linus Church, Oak Lawn, IL.
The District was honored to have our National Chaplain, Monsignor Peter M. Polando celebrate the mass with assistance from Deacon Joseph Stalcup and altar servers from St. Linus parish. Our golden-voiced cantor for the mass was Sue Raymond (S455) accompanied by St. Linus’ organist, Mike Glowacki; lectors included Mary Therese Tylus (S485), Jarmila Hlubocky (S295), who read the Slovak reading, and Karen Morgenroth (S455) reading the prayers of the faithful. Judy Tybor-Knizner (S339) was the crucifer and gift bearers were Irene Zittman (S181) and Carol Rosenthal (S421). Prior to mass, FCSLA members from the Chicago District, Okres Helen Kocan (Lake County, IN/Joliet IL) and the Louise M. Yash District (WI) began the celebration with rolls and coffee. After mass, a luncheon was held at the Garden Chalet (Chicago Ridge) with door prizes and split the pot raffle.
A huge thank you to all of the Chicago District and Branch Officers and members who shared their time and talents from picking up and serving the rolls and coffee before mass, the fulfillment of the various roles during mass, the centerpiece coordinators, and the coordinators of the luncheon and raffles. Without your time and talents, this event would not have been such a success! A special thank you goes to the parish family of St. Linus and its pastor, Fr. William Corcoran, for the use of their facilities.
All who attended had a wonderful time and are looking forward to next year’s celebration, which will be hosted by the Louise M. Yash District in Wisconsin.
To view photos from this event, check out the Chicago District Photo Gallery!