On Saturday, December 1, 2012, The Chicago District hosted its ninth annual combined Senior Branch Christmas Party at the Orland Chateau in Orland Park, Illinois.
National President, Cynthia Maleski said a prayer and blessing before the meal. Everyone feasted on a flavorful family style meal, which included the traditional Slovak roasted pork along with many other delicious items.
This year the District invited our National President, Cynthia Maleski and the new Fraternal and Youth Director, Kelly Shedlock to the festivities. Cynthia spoke briefly and reminded everyone of our mission and the great work that has been done during the past 120 years, encouraging us to continue to build on the accomplishments of our past in order to make our organization continue to grow and prosper. Kelly briefly introduced herself and stated that she looked forward to working with the members and branch officers of the Chicago District.
The branch members also participated in District’s annual raffle, which consisted of 96 prizes, 32 gift cards, 6 bottles of wine donated by Kubina-Tybor Funeral Home and poinsettia plants. With a surprise visit from Santa, District Junior Members in attendance acted as prize runners to help distribute the gifts to the raffle winners who shouted “Kapusta, Koláčiky, Bingo” or another favorite Slovak word upon hearing their winning number.
The wonderful event started by Marge Krugley has been a favorite now for the entire District. District President, Mary Therese Tylus stated, “Once again, everyone had a wonderful time renewing old friendships, making new ones and oh, reminding everyone of the wonderful FCSLA products and upcoming District events!”
A special thank you goes out to Marge Krugley, who continues to support the festivities. The District would also like to thank Phil and Dolores Glomb, who shopped for the raffle prizes; Barbara Mugavero, who purchased the gift cards; Fay Hlubocky, who played “Santa,” Rosemary Mlinarich, who coordinated the table centerpieces, as well as the entire District Board and Branch Officers for working so hard in making it such a memorable event.
So mark your calendar for next year’s party on Saturday, December 7, 2013 – same time, same place!
To view photos from the Ninth Annual Combined Senior Branch Christmas Party, check out the Chicago District Photo Gallery!