FCSLA Junior Branches and the Chicago District co-sponsored their fifth annual Junior Member Christmas Party on Sunday, November 1, 2015 at the Johnson-Phelps VFW Post #5220 in Oak Lawn, Illinois. The Junior members participated in a snowman beanbag toss game, face painting, a coloring contest, bingo and a raffle.
Svätý Mikuláš (St. Nicholas), Bishop in 4th Century Myra, Turkey arrived and spoke to the children and adults about his origins. Svätý Mikuláš presented to each of the children three gold chocolate coins which reflect the story of the gold coins that Svätý Mikuláš gave to a poor man so he could marry off his three daughters. The children and their guests feasted on a wonderful meal of chicken, beef, corn, mashed potatoes and pasta salad with vanilla and chocolate cakes for dessert. Coloring contest winners Eric Ebenau (J339), Owen Schoberth (J174), Ethan Ebenau (J339) and Peter Jurencko (J96) each won a backpack filled with art supplies. The raffle prizes were donated by the Junior Branches with the coloring contest prizes being donated by the Elitesportscard Store and Donna M. Soukup.
A special thank you to the Jr. Christmas Party Committee Chair Joyce Kelly (J339/S287) and her Committee members—Jeanette Palanca (J174/S258), Lorraine Gibas (Chicago District President – J322/S421), Rosemary Mlinarich (J174/S258), Mary Beth Satala-Pac (J427/S274), and Mary Therese Tylus (J382/S485)—for all their hard work and preparation in making this event another great success. A huge thank you to the Committee’s elves—Emily Minelli (S287), Mary Lou Fish (S287) Grace Ann Spindler (S287), Emma Minelli (S287), Joe Minelli (S287) and Therese Gibas (S421)—and any others whom we may have missed in this article for all their help in setting up, manning the various activities tables, and clean-up. The children, their parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents had a wonderful time and all are looking forward to next year’s party and another visit from Svätý Mikuláš (St. Nicholas)!
To view photos from this event, visit the Photo Gallery on the Chicago District Web site.