July, 1926, in a meeting of all Chicago and neighboring lodges at St. Simon the Apostle Slovak Parish, 52nd and South California, members and officers of the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association (FCSLA) gave birth to the Anna Hurban District of Chicago. Fast forward 90 years later, and on October 8, 2016, FCSLA National Officers, current and former Anna Hurban District Officers, and members of the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association gathered to commemorate this auspicious event through the celebration of a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Patrick Church, Lemont Illinois.
Celebrant for the mass was Bishop Alberto Rojas, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, with assistance from Deacon Larry Oskielunas of St. Patrick Parish. In his homily, Bishop Rojas reminded us that the foundation of our fraternal is rooted in working for justice which is empowered through God’s love for us all.
Immediately following the mass, a luncheon for 92 members was held at the Ruffled Feathers Golf Course, also in Lemont, where everyone spent a delightful afternoon of fraternalism and sharing their favorite memories of the Chicago District with one another. The District was honored to have in attendance the following FCSLA guests:
- Cynthia Maleski, National President,
- Steve Hudak, National Treasurer,
- Joann Skvarek Banvich, National Director,
- Margaret Abildua, President of the Indiana/Joliet District,
- and members of the Indiana District.
Chicago District President, Lorraine Gibas, welcomed the members and reminded them of the passion and purpose of our grandmothers, mothers, aunts and fraternal family who formed, sustained and led the District over the past 90 years. A moment of silence was taken to remember the District’s deceased past leaders and members and to ask them to guide and inspire us as we continue to move the District forward.
In her keynote speech, Cynthia Maleski, inspired the audience with her comments about the vision and perseverance of the women who have made the District what it is today, and the importance of continuing the work and spirit of these past leaders as we move forward. District Chaplain, Matus Bohacik, led the members in prayer before and after the luncheon, and Jeanette Palanca, District Recording Secretary and National Director, introduced the District Officers and honored guests. Gary Ledvora, District Treasurer, kept the program moving by serving as the Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon.
Ending the program, the members sang both God Bless American and Hey Slovaci. At the end of the day, members left with a small commemorative, program booklet, and gifts from the Home Office, including a copy of a photo of the District Board 40 years ago.
Many thanks to the Planning Committee, Lorraine Gibas, Jeanette Palanca, Gary Ledvora, Fay and Jarmila Hlubocky, Joyce Kelly, and Mary Therese Tylus for their hard work in coordinating this event.
Happy Birthday Anna Hurban District – may you be blessed with many more!
To view photos from this event, visit the Photo Gallery on the Chicago District Web site.