Chicago Branch S287 held a “Split the Pot” matching funds event on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School for Abby Wujcik, a 6-year old little girl diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.
The “Split the Pot” raffle was part of a fundraiser called “An Afternoon with Abby.” Judy Tybor-Knizner, Chicago District Vice President and S287 President, reported that the “Split the Pot” raised a total of $2,200. Winners of the “Split the Pot”, Dan and Kari Kelly, whose children are members of Chicago J339, won the prize and immediately donated back the winnings of $1,112 to Abby’s family. These funds will assist the family with the various medical expenses associated with Abby’s medical treatment. Thank you to S287 members Jim Knizner, Jori Gillen, Denise Trumbull, Sherri Ebenau and S295 member Jarmila Hlubocky who helped sell the “Split the Pot” tickets, and face-painters Josie and Viva Wayer, and all the otherJ339 members who assisted with this fundraiser. Without your help and that of the many other volunteers for “An Afternoon for Abby” this event would not have been such a wonderful success.