On Sunday, January 22nd two buses left the FCSLA home office in Beachwood, OH around 11:30 PM to participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on Monday, January 23rd.
There were approximately 90 students, clergy and members along with former and current National Officers that made the trip. They Arrived in D.C. around 7:30 AM at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center. At 12:00 noon our participants met with other fraternal leaders and members for a group photo.
Although the weather was cold and rainy, it did not dampen the spirit of the very large crowd Marching for Life! The March took us down Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill.
A big Thank You to all who participated in this important occasion. The buses were provided by the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association and the First Catholic Slovak Union. The lunch for the ride home was provided by the FCSLA Cleveland District with a contribution from Branch 475. The neon green scarves were provided by branch 301.
Next year the March for Life is scheduled for Friday, January 25, 2013. Please mark your calendars and plan on joining us!
It is an awesome experience that you will never forget.
To view photos from this event, please check out the Cleveland District Photo Gallery!