On Saturday, April 28, 2012, the Cleveland Okres, Br. 408, and Br 141 joined hands for its “Join Hands Day” project with The Cleveland Catholic Worker Community, providing breakfast for about 80 homeless and needy people.
The breakfast consisted of cereal, milk, toast, juice, fruit, donuts, hard-boiled eggs and coffee.
Donations of $542 by Okres members, as well as paper and plastic products donated by a local McDonalds, were collected.
In addition to the breakfast items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shower soap, laundry and dish detergent, bleach, toilet paper, paper towels and napkins, trash bags and a check for $230 were presented to the Community.
The smiles and words of appreciation by the recipients were most rewarding. The experience is an example of what we can accomplish by Joining Hands.
To view photos from this event, check out the Cleveland District photo gallery!