The Pittsburgh District held its fall meeting on October 28, 2018, at the Westwood Golf Club in West Mifflin, PA. The meeting was hosted by Branch 218, Braddock.
President Judy Fedor opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance to the flag. District Secretary Angela Hanyak led God Bless America, and Father Ed Mazich led the prayer before the meal with special prayers for the victims and families of the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Special thanks to Father Ed, who lead our prayers.
Following the luncheon, Father Ed led a prayer for living and deceased members.
President Fedor called on Cathy Esack, Branch 218 Secretary, to introduce her officers and helpers. A check was presented for the District’s contribution to the luncheon and a Mass for members of Branch 218.
Roll call was taken and all officers were in attendance. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. The financial report was read and approved.
President Fedor advised the members about the Branch Manual and its contents and reminded them that our District Fraternal Coordinator, Linda Killeen, is available to assist in planning events and completion of forms.
President Fedor stressed the importance of succession for our branches. We need to promote involvement so that when a branch position is vacated someone within the branch will be available to step forward. She spoke of Cathy Esack, who recently stepped up to take over Branch 218. We need to look to the future.
Details were given regarding the upcoming National Convention. It was noted that all branches should fill their available delegate positions.
National Auditor Dorothy Urbanowicz presented the National Officer Report updating the members on home office business.
National Sales Manager, Al Heiles, conducted a sales presentation for the District which was highly beneficial to all in attendance, especially as we have a number of new officers who are applying for licenses.
District Auditor Monica LaFrankie reported on the audit. All of the books are in order.
National President Cynthia Maleski greeted the members and addressed them briefly.
District drawings were held and prizes were given. Branch 218 provided beautiful centerpieces which were given, in addition to a drawing.
The meeting was adjourned and closed with prayer by Father Ed and National President Maleski led the singing of Hey Slovaci.
Visit the photo gallery to view pictures from the event.