The Pittsburgh District held its summer meeting on July 29, 2018, at the Bishop Connare Center in Greensburg, PA. The meeting was hosted by Branch 44, Mt. Pleasant. The theme for the meeting was Christmas in July. The room was beautifully decorated for Christmas, and the prizes given by the branch were wrapped in festive Christmas paper.
President Judy Fedor opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. District Secretary Angela Hanyak led God Bless America, and Father Micah Kozoil, District Chaplain, led the prayer before the meal.
Following the luncheon, Father Micah led a prayer to Saint Anne in honor of her feast on July 26.
President Fedor called on past District President Barbara Gajdosik and presented her with a gift from the District in appreciation of her service.
Branch 44 Financial Secretary, Agnes Farcosky Witik, introduced her officers and helpers. The District expressed their appreciation for the excellent luncheon and presented Agnes with a check for the District’s contribution and a Mass for the members of Branch 44.
Roll call was taken and all officers were in attendance. The minutes of the April meeting and the financial report were read and approved.
President Fedor expressed her appreciation to the officers who assisted with making suggestions, planning, organizing, on site and behind the scenes, and working the FCSLA’s table at Slovak Day in Kennywood Park. Our National President, Cynthia Maleski, who is very involved with Slovak Day, took her time to advise and work with President Fedor. Jim Deak, Jerry Holmes, Virginia Holmes and Monica LaFrankie gave their time to represent the FCSLA and to make the day memorable.
We have a new position within the district – the District Fraternal Coordinator. Linda Killeen has graciously accepted this responsibility. She will be assisting with the planning of district events and is available to all branches to help with planning and organizing events and completing necessary paperwork.
National Director Larry Golofski gave the National Officer report, updating the members on home office business.
National President Cynthia Maleski greeted the members. She thanked the Pittsburgh District for participation in Slovak Day and addressed the membership briefly.
Drawings were held and prizes were given.
The meeting was adjourned and closed with prayer and National President Maleski led the singing of Hey Slovaci.
Visit the photo gallery to view pictures from the event.