Pray for Ukraine
We at First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association join with Pope Francis and Caritas in Veritate on this Ash Wednesday to pray for world peace during this crisis in Ukraine, for the people of Ukraine and Russia and for all refugees, The Pope is asking all of us to do special fasting and prayer, especially on Ash Wednesday and every Wednesday during Lent.
Holy Mother of God, please intercede to your Son, Jesus during this time.
Cynthia Maleski
National President FCSLA Life
Dear Cynthia,
OPEN LETTER: The “Ukraine – Russia Conflict”
AN APPEAL FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE. Is 1:17, Micah 6:8, Lk 18: 1- 8 A CALL FOR PRAYER AND FASTING, every Wednesday of Lent 2022
“Caritas in Veritate CiV Global Confederation”:
– mourns the loss of thousands of innocent men and women who lost their lives, both Ukrainian and Russians, in the “Ukraine conflict”,
– acknowledges the pain of those who lost family members, friends, personal belongings, their securities and their freedom,
– is saddened by the hundreds of thousands who, in order to avoid a deadly conflict, had to flee their hometown and became “internally displaced” in Ukraine or refugees in neighboring countries,
– deplores in the strongest possible way military offensive aggression of a geopolitical entity in territory owned by another entity or in independent country,
– supports a. the International Law and International Treaties and Agreements in force which define and defend boundaries between Independent Sovereign States and protect the autonomy of these entities,
b. the dialogue about the “security concerns” of Russia,
c. the Sovereignty of Ukraine,
d. “new policy initiatives” in the region of conflict that are fair and just to all parties, which could
possibly be supported by Ukraine, Russia, the European Union, NATO and the International Community, and which would guarantee Peace to all people.Appeals:
– To the Governments of Russia and Ukraine for an immediate “cease-fire” and to engage in a constructive dialogue to solve the crises that are threatening the wellbeing of millions of innocent citizens and world peace; a dialogue that would lead to a long lasting security for Russia and Ukraine, for Europe and for the rest of the world. An appeal to these Governments to suspend active hostilities and to de-escalate this potential deadly conflict and to guarantee “unhindered access” of humanitarian aid wherever is needed.
– To the Governments of the Free World to act timely in multifaceted diplomacy, within the boundaries of International Law, to secure and defend world democracies and uphold human rights, and to act decisively to support efforts that would lead to justice and secure international peace.
– To the Universal and Local Church to lead the People of God with courage, wisdom and clarity, and to call for prayers in support of Justice and Peace, lest silence might be misinterpreted and God’s people be confused and disheartened.
– To All People of Good Faith to join Pope Francis in “Prayer and Fasting”, this
coming Ash Wednesday, and to extend the “Prayer and Fasting” to every Wednesday of Lent, till Easter 2022, for God’s Mercy and for Justice and Peace in the “Ukraine – Russia” conflict.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, we declare in faith that Love and Peace will Prevail.
Henry Cappello
Caritas in Veritate CiV Global
President and CEO